Project SC Butler: Sentence Correction (SC1)
For SC butler Questions Click Here If ever there were a graphic illustration of the tragedy of the commons, it would be in the plummeting of the world’s stocks of bluefin tuna—because they live in the high seas, the fish belong to everyone and thus are no one’s responsibility.
A) If ever there were a graphic illustration of the tragedy of the commons, it would be in the plummeting of the world’s stocks of bluefin tuna—because they live
B) If ever there were a graphic illustration of the tragedy of the commons, it is in the plummet in the world’s stocks of bluefin tuna—because they live
C) If ever there was a graphic illustration of the tragedy of the commons, it is in the plummeting in the world’s stocks of bluefin tuna—because they live
D) If ever there were a graphic illustration of the tragedy of the commons, it should be in the plummeting of the world’s stocks of bluefin tuna—because they live
E) If ever there was a graphical illustration of the tragedy of the commons, it is the plummeting of the world stocks of bluefin tuna—because of their lives