Hi All,
In this DS question, you might find that 'rewriting' the question makes it easier to answer. Either way, you'll find that a combination of logic, Number Properties and TESTing VALUES will come in handy.
We're asked if 2X - 3Y < X^2. You can 'rewrite' the question to ask if 2X < X^2 + 3Y. Either way, this is a YES/NO question.
Fact 1: 2X - 3Y = -2
Here, the 'original' version of the question is probably easier to answer, since we now have a value that we can 'substitute' in for (2X - 3Y)....
The question now asks.....
Is -2 < X^2?
X^2 can be 0 or any positive value, so with ALL possible values of X, the answer to the question is ALWAYS YES.
Fact 2: X > 2 and Y > 0
With this Fact, the 'rewritten' version of the question is probably easier to answer.
Since we know that X > 2......2X will ALWAYS be < X^2.
We also know that Y > 0, so (X^2 + 3Y) will get larger as Y gets larger. This all serves as evidence that....
2X is ALWAYS < X^2 + 3Y. The answer to the question is ALWAYS YES.
Final Answer:
GMAT assassins arne't born, they're made,