You know what I ended up doing. I spent sunday afternoon looking through math review books in barnes and noble. There was one book called introduction to statistics that did a 30 page review on probability, counting, permutations etc. It wasn't the greatest review but considering the other books lack this info, it's better than a paragraph overview. I wonder why none of the books even touch the subject. Your best bet is just to check out some statistics book that has a chapter in probability. Wish I still had the one I used in college.
You are right about probability; I got my butt fried by that on the test.
Kaplan does not have it and I did not expect to get much - I did not have
OG, so I was not very aware of the test requirements, etc - my mistake of fully trusting to Kaplan, anyway,
There is a book supposedly called Schaum's Outline of Statistics or Probability.
I want to buy one to look though it but I heard a few people recommend it. I have not read one yet, but If you find any good guide I will be thankfurl for a personal recommendation or such,