Hi there,
Thanks for your post. You've done a good job at reflecting already, which the schools will appreciate within your application (i.e. discussing why you chose your firm; discussing a bit of your involvements outside of work), and you sound like someone who would likely be involved on campus and/or in the community which is also appreciated. Based on the limited info here, I would cautiously hope you would be considered at the schools you listed as 'target', ideally with that 700+. Overall your # of schools looks quite high but applying through the Consortium can make that more do-able. One of my concerns at this point might be simply timing it all if you have not yet started, for R2, and are still working on your test prep.... but if you can devote a lot of time and start asap it's not impossible. Keep us posted if we can help further, and/or feel free to register for a free consultation at any point if helpful,
www.mbamission.com/consult. Good luck!