really need some advice for my Haas reapplication. Any suggestion would be appreciated!
I was on waitlist last year (interviewed after waitlisted) and plan to re-apply to Haas.
Their website says besides some part of the data forms, " any other application materials is optional". So my plan was to prepare a optional essay and a new recommendation letter. But today I saw it online somewhere,you better rewrite the essays as a re-applicant.
Now I only have 2 weeks left, I dont think I am able to re-write all the essays, is it ok that I just do some improvements on my last essays instead of creating whole new ones? like keeping the same story or concept? For example, I really like my answer of essay 1 (what song best express you), I could do some improvements on the original response but I am not sure if I should choose a new song for this essay?
If I really better rewirte all the essays, I may not be able to submit the application in time and may consider Round 2 but that will be not so good for a re-applicant.
Any advice please?