made this using gmatpill's notes on the usage of more vs greater and fewer vs less
elaborating further:
Simple way to distinguish between countable and uncountable is to ask...
how many--->gives answers such as 10, 20, 30 units etc
how much---> gives answers such as 200 acres, 500 litres...basically things we can't count
a sub-part of uncountable things are units of measure
a unit of measure is something we can't count e.g., probability(chance), area, rate, percent, ratio etc. but in this case we use 'greater' instead of 'more'.
greater is also used when the sentence goes something like this... "The number of apples is greater than the number of oranges"
now oranges and apples are something that we can count...but we use greater, I actually know this by memory and don't know the actual reason why we do so. But it is a rule followed by GMAT.
Would humbly request experts to intervene-"The number of apples is greater than the number of oranges"
now oranges and apples are something that we can count...but we use greater, I actually know this by memory and don't know the actual reason why we do so.
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