The city’s center for disease control reports that the rabies epidemic is more serious now than it was two years ago: two years ago less than 25 percent of the local raccoon population was infected, whereas today the infection has spread to more than 50 percent of the raccoon population. However, the newspaper reports that whereas two years ago 32 cases of rabid raccoons were confirmed during a 12-month period, in the past 12 months only 18 cases of rabid raccoons were confirmed.
Since this is a Resolve the Paradox question type, we only expect to see premises. This argument tells us:
The CDC reported that the rabies epidemic “is more serious now than two years ago”. (Hmm, why’s that?)
25% was infected two years ago. Now, 50% are infected. (Well, that’s a big jump! Looks like it’s pretty serious.)
BUT, newspapers said they only counted up 32 cases two years ago, but only 18 cases were confirmed this year! (Dang, that’s odd! We’d expect the confirmed cases to go up, right? Well, I guess that’s the paradox I’m supposed to solve.)
Hm, let me think through some answer choices I might see about the newspaper report discrepancy:
The infected might have all died in the last year.
The newspapers might have discovered that their procedure for confirming cases was wildly overstated two years ago. (You know how news is! Sensationalism!)
The infected raccoons somehow gained immunity over time. (Yeah, this one is pushing it.)
Which one of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy between the two reports?Quote:
(A) The number of cases of rabies in wild animals other than raccoons has increased in the past 12 months.
Well, we’re talking about rabies, but “wild animals OTHER than raccoons”? That’s a big NO. This is a clear diversion from the case at hand. Probably what
Manhattan GMAT would label a No Tie type of wrong answer, since other animals don’t matter us!
(B) A significant proportion of the raccoon population succumbed to rabies in the year before last
Aha! Dang, we’re getting good at this anticipation stuff! Let’s make sure we can confirm that we’re right. Quote:
(C) The symptoms of distemper, another disease to which raccoons are susceptible, are virtually identical to those of rabies
What? Why did we suddenly start talking about “distemper”? Hm, symptoms that “are virtually identical to those of rabies”….could it be that the confirmed cases were actually distemper cases and not true rabies cases? BUT this throws the whole argument under the bus.
A bigger issue with this answer choice is that “distemper” has the same symptoms as “rabies” so….we still have rabid racoons. And our newspaper report is still UNEXPLAINED.
(D) Since the outbreak of the epidemic, raccoons, which are normally nocturnal, have increasingly been seen during daylight hours.
This answer choice is tell us about the effect of the epidemic, but does nothing to explain our problematic newspaper report! This has No Tie to our stimulus.
(E) The number of confirmed cases of rabid raccoons in neighboring cities has also decreased over the past year.
“Neighbouring cities” also showed declining cases is great and all but serves us 0 information about OUR city and OUR news report. The argument doesn’t address neighbouring cities!