The Mon Road is an amalgamation of two initially separate freeways: the Mave Freeway linking Spale Road, and the East Freeway linking Punt Road, Burke Road, and also linking Glen Iris.A. The Mon Road is an amalgamation of two initially separate freeways: the Mave Freeway linking Spale Road, and the East Freeway linking Punt Road, Burke Road, and also linking Glen Iris.
B. The Mon Road is an amalgamation of two initially separate freeways: the Mave Freeway linking Spale Road, and the East Freeway linking Punt Road, Burke Road, and Glen Iris.
C. An amalgamation of two initially separate freeways, the Mave Freeway linking Spale Road, and the East Freeway linking Punt Road, Burke Road, and also linking Glen Iris, is the Mon Road.
D. Two initially separate freeways, the Mave Freeway linking Spale Road, and the East Freeway linking Punt Road, Burke Road, and also linking Glen Iris, are the amalgamation of the Mon Road.
E. The Mon Road is an amalgamation: the Mave Freeway linking Spale Road, and the East Freeway linking Punt Road, Burke Road, and Glen Iris, two initially separate freeways.