nandinigaur wrote:
Bunuel wrote:
There are exactly 6 teams in league x. What was the total number of games played by the 6 teams last season?
(1) Each team in league x played each of the other teams at least once --> if each team played each of the other teams ONLY once then there was total of \(C^2_6=15\) games played (notice that each team played 5 games) but if each team played each of the other teams TWICE then there was total of \(2*C^2_6=30\) games played (notice that each team played 10 games). Not sufficient.
(2) No team in league x played more than 7 games. Clearly insufficient.
(1)+(2) If each team played each of the other teams ONLY once then there was total of \(C^2_6=15\) games played (each of the 6 teams played 5 games), but if after each team played each of the other teams ONLY once, some two teams played between each other once more then the total number of games played was 16 (4 teams played 5 games and 2 teams played 6 games). Not sufficient.
Answer: E.
Hi Bunnel
I get confused in at least and at most qs... here st 1 says that each team played atleast one game with the other team. I understand that this mean some could have played more than one.
but in the other qs about out of 2 atleast 1 snake is black and 1 snake is white... we understand it as 1 black snake...
please explain about qs with atleast atmost in the qs stem.
At least one means 1 or more;
At most 1 means 1 or less.
Nothing more in it.
I think the question you are talking about is this one:
devil-s-dozen-129312-20.html#p1063888 But this question is different and has some other constrains.
P.S. If you have problems with most of the questions one of the reasons could be lack of fundamentals. So, I'd advice to go through the basics once more.