Could you suggest some safe and moderate universities to apply?
I have talked to a lot of people, seen a lot of discussions during my PhD journey so far. I'm not a believer of concepts like "safe universities" for PhD applications.
Unless you have really strong connections to someone in a department who makes that kind of decision (and that's rare), I think you should always think them as risky. There are too many cases of people getting rejected from "safe schools" but being accepted by "non-safe schools."
School selection should be based on fit, especially research fit. Which universities have many professors who are really a great fit for you? Without knowing that, it's impossible to make good recommendations of universities to apply.
You need to be clear about what you want to do (specific types of research questions and methods, for example), and then do your research. That's usually hard work, I've seeing people doing incredible amounts of work to make a list, including searching a lot of data and developing their own ranking systems. But applicants are expected to work hard on that. When a professor asks "why did you apply to this school?" you should have an amazing, specific and objective answer. You should be able to talk at length about how you and the university fit well together.