Unlike the feeding mechanism of most tadpoles, which ingest an aqueous suspension of organic particles, the pipid tadpoles of the African genus
Hymenochirus are predatory suction feeders.A. Unlike the feeding mechanism of most tadpoles, which ingest an aqueous suspension of organic particles, the pipid tadpoles of the African genus Hymenochirus are predatory suction feeders.
B. Unlike the feeding mechanism of most tadpoles, which ingest an aqueous suspension of organic particles, the feeding mechanism of the pipid tadpoles of the African genus Hymenochirus are characterized by predatory suction feeding.
C. Unlike with the feeding mechanism of most tadpoles, which ingest an aqueous suspension of organic particles, the pipid tadpole of the African genus Hymenochirus consumes prey via predatory suction.
D. Unlike most tadpoles, which ingest an aqueous suspension of organic particles, the feeding mechanism of the pipid tadpole of the African genus Hymenochirus is characterized by predatory suction feeding.
E. Unlike most tadpoles, which ingest an aqueous suspension of organic particles, the pipid tadpole of the African genus Hymenochirus consumes prey via predatory suction.