The Central Banks mostly depend upon tinkering with interest rates for regulating the money supply and thereby inflation, momentarily ignoring the importance of growth and judicious supply of goods. They also cite rapid ballooning of the money supply and black money because of globalization as reasons for inclining toward interest rate cuts as the chief tools for smoothening a dented economy
Which of the following, if true, most weakens the argument above?
A: Economists across the world have proposed that in the near medium term the rate cuts will minimize the fiscal deficit than do higher exports.
B: Greenspan used effective rate- management for the successful re-vitalisation of the US economy
C: Franklin Roosevelt indulged in massive growth orientation of the economics even though he burdened the country with massive debts, but still pulled the country out of woods
D: Rate manoeuvres have an instant impact and rattle many vital sectors of the economy
E: Central Banks silently adhere to the politics of the governments rather than follow principles of Economics these days
A: Near medium term is out of scope.
B: This is a strengthener
C: Correct answer; This precedence helps to deny the effectual impact of rate cuts in buttressing a lame economy
D: This is a strengthener
E: Out of scope