While it is certainly true that almost all literate citizens could be taught to improve their ability to read and reason, it must first be demonstrated that such an undertaking would increase the general welfare.(A) While it is certainly true that almost all literate citizens could be taught to improve their ability to read and reason, it must first be demonstrated that such an undertaking would increase the general welfare.
(B) While it is certainly true that almost all literate citizens could improve their reading and reasoning skills, such a vast undertaking requires a clear demonstration of benefit before being undertaken.
(C) Before undertaking to improve the reading and reasoning of almost all citizens, it is necessary to show that the project will work.
(D) Before the project of improving almost all citizens’ reading and reasoning skills is undertaken, that the outcome will be increased happiness must be demonstrated.
(E) Prior to the improvement of citizens’ reading and reasoning skills, it must be shown that they will be happier with the improved skills than they are now.
Source: Master GMAT
strepanierOPTION AA) Correct! No apparent Errors!
B) Incorrect.
"being undertaken" The GMAT does not like the use of being in this context
C) Incorrect. No mention to happiness, which is not the same as welfare.
"Undertaking to" is not correct.
D) Incorrect.
"Project of improving" is not correct. Also, change in the meaning as welfare is not the same as happiness.
E) Incorrect. Complete change in the meaning. There was no prior mention to happiness.