With billions of dollars in cash, Cloudsoft is moving forward with ambitious technology projects to enhance mobile e-commerce despite low adoption for its existing smartphone application. The smartphone application, though available for download, unfortunately does not meet the user experience needs of consumers, who prefer making e-commerce purchases on another non-compatible platform that supports larger screen devices with faster connection speeds. Cloudsoft, therefore, is not guilty of any fiscal wastefulness.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument above depends?
(A) Converting the smartphone app to work on the other platform that supports larger and faster devices that meet consumer requirements, if possible, would not be a more cost-effective alternative to creating a new application for the other platform from scratch.
(B) Cloudsoft prefers offering free unlimited downloads to selling limited quantities in cases where the two alternatives are equally cost-effective.
(C) If a smartphone app available for download comes very close to meeting consumer requirements, the consumer can relax his own requirements slightly and consider that app in compliance.
(D) Cloudsoft's technology projects would not on being completed, add to the number of smartphone apps available for download.
(E) Before embarking on any major technology project, the Cloudsoft is required by law to establish beyond any reasonable doubt that there are no alternatives that are more cost-effective.