Woman’s demand for equal suffrage is based largely on the contention that a woman must have equal rights in all affairs of society. Needless to say, I am not opposed to woman suffrage on the conventional ground that she is not equal to it. I see no physical, psychological, or mental reasons why a woman should not have the equal right to vote with a man. But that cannot possibly blind me to the absurd notion that a woman will accomplish that wherein man has failed. If she would not make things worse, she certainly could not make them better. To assume, therefore, that she would succeed in purifying something which is not susceptible of purification, is to credit her with supernatural powers. Since woman’s greatest misfortune has been that she was looked upon as either angel or devil, her true salvation lies in being placed on earth; namely, in being considered human, and therefore subject to all human follies and mistakes. Are we, then, to believe that two wrongs will make one right? Are we to assume that the poison already inherent in politics will be decreased, if women were to enter the political arena? The most ardent suffragists would hardly maintain such a folly.
1. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with: (A) discussing the possible implications of a change
(B) arguing that a particular change will not have the desired effect
(C) exploring definitions of a concept
(D) comparing the advantages of a particular change with its disadvantages
(E) clarifying an ambiguous term
2. What can be inferred from the lines ‘her true salvation lies in being placed on earth (Highlighted)?(A) The author does not believe that giving women the right to vote would solve the problems that the political system faces.
(B) The author is, in general, against adopting an extreme view of women.
(C) The author does not believe that two wrongs will make one right.
(D) The author believes that women do not have supernatural powers.
(E) The author believes women should suffer as much as men do, no more and no less.
3. The passage suggests which of the following?(A) Most ardent suffragists believe that women can succeed where men have failed and that women can cleanse the political system.
(B) In some exceptional circumstances, it is possible for two wrongs to make one right.
(C) If women were to enter the political arena, the poison inherent in politics would be decreased.
(D) Most ardent suffragists believe that giving women the right to vote will not resolve the problems that beset the political system.
(E) The author is overall in favour of women’s suffrage.