Program: MBA FT
Area of interest in MBA : Finance/Entrepreneurship
GMAT: 710 Q(44) V(42)
GPA: 3.5/4.0, Finance & Accounting, State School 3.7 Masters
Work experience(WE): 4 years (at matriculation) big 4 accounting CPA / CFA
Nationality: American - Caucasian
Age: 27 @ matriculation
Gender: Male
Extra-curriculars/community: Very active in undergrad, current board member of non-profit, president of alumni association, lots of interntaional volunteer experience
Schools applied to:
Berkeley: R1
Status: Submitted 10/20, waitlisted, then dinged
Northwestern: R1
Status: Submitted 10/15, Interviewed 10/26, waitlisted then dinged
Chicago: R1
Status: Submitted 10/14, Interviewed 11/21, Dinged 12/16
Tuck: R2
Interviewed 11/20, Submitted 1/3, waitlisted then dinged
Darden: R2
Accepted and matriculating
Texas: R2
Accepted, withdrawn