Hello everyone,
I started preparing for my gmat exam a few months ago. i had scored a horrible 580 the last time that id taken it.
This time i scored a 660 ( Q 44 V 37 ) . im my mocks, even my official exam packs 1 and 2 which i took before my exam, i usually scored a 650 plus but always scored a 48 plus on my quant.
Though i was surprised by a V 37 on my my GMAT, i was very disappointed by my quant score.
I have added a breakdown of my scores in screen shots of my ESR.
I'd really like some advice on how to move forward from here. and whether a 4 in AWA is good enough or not.
I suggest you retake the test while you are still motivated. From your V37 it seems that you could achieve this score again and it wasn't a fluke. Also, you could purchase exam pack 3 and do those 2 tests a month before your scheduled test and work on your Q skills if you found significant gaps. Whatever you do do not retake Exam packs 1 and 2. You will see some of the questions again and your score will be inflated.