American customers expect high quality. When the quality of a manufactured product is raised, it in turn raises customer expectations. A company that believes that the quality of its products is satisfactory will soon discover that its customers are not similarly satisfied. The goal of Sunnybrook Corporation is to meet or exceed customer expectations.
Which of the following must be true on the basis of the statements above?
A. Sunny brook's competitors will succeed in attracting customers only if those competitors adoptSunny brook’sgoal as their own.
- Too extreme a choice, no where in the argument it is mentioned.
B. A company that does not correctly forecast the expectations of its customers is certain to fail in advancing the quality of its products.
- again the same issue as of A
C. It is possible to meet the goal of Sunnybrook Corporation only if the quality of their products can be continually improved upon.
- Correct choice, "The goal of Sunnybrook Corporation is to meet or exceed customer expectations." - if customer expectations tend to rise with increase in product quality & Sunnybrook Corporation has its goal as to " meet or exceed customer expectations." Then the answer must be true.
If a company becomes satisfied with the quality of the products it manufactures, then the quality is likely to decline.
- nothing about satisfaction of company on its product with declining behaviour of quality is mentioned - Incorrect
Sunnybrook's customers are currently satisfied with the quality of its products.
- may be or may not be true