Andrew drove from A to B at 60 miles per hour. Then he realized that he forgot something at A, and drove back at 80 miles per hour. He then zipped back to B at 90 mph. What was his approximate average speed in miles per hour for the entire night?
Culled from M-GMAT word translation guide.
Is there any concise way of solving this problem?
Cos the solution given by M-gmat wasn't a CAT-wise solution, IMO. Twas quite long considering the nature of the question.
I'll appreciate with kudos any solution that didn't draw up a big table.
Official answer was given as 74.5. No options were given.
All average speed questions are dealt in the same way.
\(Average Speed = \frac {Total distance} { Total Time taken}\)
Total distance = A to B + B to A+ A to B = S+S+S=3S
Total time = S/60 + S/80+S/90
Thus, \(Average speed = \frac{3S}{S/60 + S/80+S/90}\), after cancelling out the S from the Numerator and the Denominator, you are left with,
\(Average speed = \frac{30}{29/72} = \frac {30*72}{29}\), now realize that 30/29 is just >1 and thus the average speed = just more than 72 mph.
Actual value : \(Average speed = \frac{30}{29/72} = 74.48 mph\)
Hope this helps.
P.s.: IMO, you dont need the fancy tables or methods if you know what you are dealing with.