At LilacBuds, we help MBA aspirants to get into top programs globally. We work closely with the aspirants and assign a B School Mentor who has studied in one of the top school globally and follow the structured process.
The Journey:
1. Profile Understanding through Process of De-construction : We use SAR-L Format
2. Career Goal Clarity: Realistic Vs Aspirational Goals (Commencement, 3-5 Year Short Term, Long-Term Goal)
3. Why MBA Exercise - With this we help in fitment analysis.
4. Application Strategy: Essay Discussion/Brainstorming, Evaluation - Multiple Iterations, Finalisation, LOR Guidance, Resume Guidance, Online Application Check before submission, Scholarship Essay Help
5. Video Essay Help: We prep students through our proprietary tool
6. Interview Prep
7. Waitlist Guidance
We have B School Mentors from all top 50 Business Schools Globally.
Rajiv Ganjoo
Founder & CEO
17 plus years of Experience - Mentored more than 5000 students!