Xin Cho
Thank you very much for the reply
...and my apologies for the dumb question. I was always of the opinion that the original prompt (that would be the "A") determines the intended meaning. If I am given two possible answers with difference only in the meaning, how will I be able to determine the intended meaning?
Xin Cho , a lot of people mistakenly believe that option A determines intended meaning.
That myth still makes its way into test prep books.
If I am given two possible answers with difference only in the meaning, how will I be able to determine the intended meaning?
I know that the GMAT is intimidating.
But the members of GMAC are not sociopaths, as far as I know.
The situation you describe will not happen.
One sentence will be written more effectively than the other.
How can you know which one is rhetorically or stylistically better?
Read. Daily. 20-30 minutes at minimum if you want a top score. 15 minutes if you want a decent score.
Read fiction if you are daunted by journals.
Hope that helps.