Fanny06Thanks for your question.
At some point of our lives, we all do step back on our choices and decisions.
At such a stage, it is indeed important to introspect by going a few steps back
and answer yourself: WHY in the first place did you plan to give GMAT
and get an MBA? This is what
mikemcgarry also shared while
answering the question from a different perspective
in this post by referring to Simon Sinek's Ted talk*.
We all easily find answer to the WHATs (What is GMAT/MBA?)
and Hows (by enrolling in online courses, self studying with books or joining
a coaching institute) but what will really get you through the finish line are
your purpose and beliefs on why you started with that dream in first place.
Try comparing your purpose(s) with reasons put up in the MBA Video series #11 and 12
by my fellow friend
Narenn on gmatclub homepage. I would urge you to break the WHYs down
even in your study prep. You can refer to few guidelines
For any small hurdles down your path, we have few no side effects prescriptions
here to have a smile on face through hard times.
Wishing you all the very best in your prep
* The TED talk is third most viewed and if you are comfortable with reading e-books, an
option is here