Hi adogatemyhmw,
This is an exceptional performance, especially since you claim to have never taken a CAT before. With this type of score, you don't appear to have any big 'weak spots' in the Quant or Verbal sections, so you're going to want to review this performance with a focus on determining WHY you got questions wrong. How often was it because you made a little mistake and how often was it because you honestly had no idea how to answer the question? At higher and higher scoring levels, the GMAT becomes really 'sensitive' to questions that you get wrong that you SHOULD have gotten correct, so you will likely have to work on your 'precision' (general note-taking, attention-to-detail, etc.) to raise this score.
I have a few questions about how you took this CAT:
1) Did you take the ENTIRE CAT (including the Essay and IR sections)?
2) Did you take it at home?
3) Did you take it at the same time of day as when you plan to take your Official GMAT?
4) Did you ever do ANYTHING during this CAT that you couldn't do on Test Day (pause the CAT, skip sections, take longer breaks, etc.)?
5) Had you seen any of the questions before (such as in the forums here)?
GMAT assassins aren't born, they're made,
Thank you for your advice Rich.
Please refer below for the details of the environment in which I took the CAT.
1) No, I skipped the Essay and IR.
2) I took it at a nearby cafe (With a LOT of noise...)
3) I took it at the same time of the day as the GMAT according to your advice.
4) I skipped the essay and IR, but on the other hand, took no breaks b/w Quant and Verbal.
5) All these questions were the first time I encountered them.
Regarding the review of my mistakes, I heard that I should not correct the answers if I want to use the prep again.
Should I ignore this and start finding out how I made mistakes?
I realized I just get completely stuck on some quant problems whereas I can at least give some educated guess for the verbal.
I think I made around 10~15 mistakes (maybe more, I will check again) for both these sections, so I am surprised with this score.
I hear that the preps' score comes out much higher, and since I was stuck on some quant questions and didn't do well in time management, I had to guess on many answers, so I assume I will do much worse on a real GMAT test.
Since I live in Japan, I am considering taking some online courses (not live) for both verbal and quant (Maybe 2 different services for each), and studying using some Kaplan and
MGMAT books (I have only used the verbal ones so far).