Congrats on moving to a new place and sorry it is taking a while to pick back up - I would highly suggest finding a Toast Masters group - it will do wonders for your career, your thinking, and personal development.
As to your GMAT, if your goal is 730, then 700 GMAT Prep is unlikely to be a good marker/indicator, esp since the GMAT has introduced the select section order feature, that may throw things off unless you are going to be taking the test using the old section order.
Ideally you want to be taking the tests (Q or V) over the period of your prep, so you can have a good sense where you belong in terms of your scores and it is a progression and even if you have a random score such as 680 right before the test, you still know that you have been getting 720's and 740's all along, so it may be a fluke.
I would probably reschedule unless you felt you really need to take the test now to stay committed to your timeline.
Hi BB,
Thanks for taking out time to reply. I have postponed by GMAT date to 12th August. So war mode on.
Also, thanks for your suggestion to join Toastmasters, I was thinking about it too. I intend to join it once I am done with GMAT.
I am planning to buy the
GMAT club tests for improving my Quant score from Q47 to Q50. I have heard very good feedback about it from a couple of my friends and also in the forum. Is it possible to buy only the Quant sections of the practice tests? If not, then I shall buy the entire set.
Also, it would be great if you or Bunuel could kindly let me know how to best utilize the
GMAT club tests in the 1 month that I have so that I reach 50. I am ready to give this whatever it takes and slog as much as needed in the coming days.
I have seen that I tend to force myself to solve most quant questions using pure mathematics to satisfy myself mentally and don't really prefer to plug numbers. That obviously has an effect on my speed in the tests. I am trying to come out of that mindset.
I am currently planning on solving around 10 questions from SC and CR each, along with solving 2-3 LSAT RC passages for the next 1 month on the weekdays. I want to supplement this with 1 GMAT club Quant test daily or maybe every alternate day. I will give practice tests over the weekends.
Does this sound like a reasonable plan to you?
Best regards