if this question is from gmatprep, I want to know why A is wrong.
when the two ideas are the same, we use "nor" to emphasize the second idea. this is why E is correct. A is wrong because the two ideas similar if they are connected by "and" will become not related to each other.
yes, I am confuse, why a is wrong
the point of "comma+and" is a good point. but I think gmat will not test us this point only.
While joining two negative sentences, neither of which is done, OR is correct. Compare with the following logical
Given, X AND Y both are false:
The correct interpretation is: NOT (X AND Y) = (NOT Y) OR (NOT Y) = NOT X NOR Y........ (Or NOT is also same as NOR: NOT X NOR Y)
The wrong interpretation is: (NOT X) AND (NOT Y)...this implies that X AND Y both does not happen (but it is possible that either X or Y happens,while the other does not)
For example:
I ate an apple and I ate a banana.....correct
I did not eat an apple or I did not eat a banana.... correct
The second sentence can also be written as:
I did not eat an apple nor did I did eat a banana.... correct
I did not eat an apple and I did not eat a banana... conveys a wrong meaning ( implies, I did not eat both, but it is possible that I ate any one of them.)
Similarly option A wrongly implies that L and C did not do both the things : being first and visiting places, but it is possible that they did any one of them. This is not the conveyed meaning. The intended meaning is that they did neither. Hence NOT X OR NOT Y (NOT X NOR Y) structure is required, and NOT X AND NOT Y structure is wrong. Hence A is wrong.