Considering the fact that people here on the forum think 3.5 is a low GPA i don't know what to term mine.
My college had a CPI index and I had an overall 7.45/10 in 5 years of law school which doesn't seem so bad. (Right?)
Although while recently filling up the GMAT exam form, it converted mt GPA to a mearge 2.4-2.5!!!
is this really low. should I even consider giving the exam. i am a believer that good essays and recommendation coupled with goo GMAT score and given my law background with 3-4 years of work ex should be able to get me a decent college. Is that too much to hope for?
First of all, 3.5 is not a low GPA. I don't know who says that but they are not correct. It is lower than the average at the top schools, but still well within the range. In terms of your GPA, there is really no need to convert it actually. I evaluate all of my applicants from India based on their raw score, the school they went to and their major. That is the same thing the admissions directors will be doing. What undergraduate did you go to? I know for many schools that a 7.45 is in the top 20%.
Send me an email with your resume if you want to discuss, but absolutely do not give up. I have countless success stories with GPAs like yours. I am more interested in the GMAT you can get as well as your work experience. www.personalmbacoach.comGood luck!