Hi cubsfan,
Thank you for your post. If you'd like to discuss any of this in greater detail (and with more nuance), please feel free to email me at
greg@avantiprep.com to schedule a Free Consultation. The totality of these things is often difficult to capture via a simple forum post.
Your undergraduate record and work experience look solid. Your GMAT score is unfortunately behind the average / median curve for the programs you've listed. They're in play with a great application, but you'd be playing from behind from a GMAT perspective. Your GPA is on target, I'd imagine your undergraduate transcripts show you can handle the work, and your experience seems to support that too, so it becomes a matter of whether your story and case are compelling enough for you to be one of the applicants they accept from the lower end of their "middle 80%" GMAT range. The GMAT "arms race" at many top programs has unfortunately raised the bar in such a way.
I do see that your Q score jumped and V score fell with your second take. It's far easier said than done -- and taking the GMAT a third time is no picnic -- but if you're applying in R2 and really feel like you can marry your best Q with your best V in one sitting, I think another 30-40 points would improve the paradigm for you.
Given your experience and goals, I'd really endeavor to make sure that your "why MBA" (as opposed to MPH, etc.) is very clear. As always, research each program's courses-clubs-extracurriculars-etc. that relate to the healthcare space and the intersection of business and healthcare (as it seems you've already done), and make sure your fit and plans for/with each program are very clearly and specifically articulated. (You won't want your application to "feel" like you're applying for an MPH rather than an MBA.)