Thank you for your post. This is a little tough to pinpoint without knowing where your GMAT score is going to land, but 740+ is a good baseline target. Given how crowded and competitive the Indian male applicant pool is, some rules of thumb you'll commonly see and hear around these forums and elsewhere are to try to target a score that is 30 or 40 points above the average for the schools that you're interested in -- or, at the very very least, target 740+ as a de facto minimum if you want to entertain T15 type programs. (A 740 doesn't win you any brownie points, and it certainly doesn't punch your ticket in, but it does allow the rest of your application, story, essays, etc. to do more of the talking.)
Even if you were able to do well on the GMAT (740+), your proposed application strategy would remain rather aggressive and top-heavy. According one GMAT Club study (link below), Indian applicants with a 740 GMAT still have only an 11% admissions rate across the entirety of the U.S. T20. That rate is naturally going to be even lower when you're dealing with schools toward the top end of that range. Moreover, applicants (particularly those from super crowded applicant pools) who are able to break through at super-elite programs are often coming by way of blue-chip pre-MBA jobs, with blue-chip community or leadership activities.
Long story short, you should definitely focus on maximizing your GMAT score, as that will help inform your school strategy. As noted above, even if your score is strong, I would strongly encourage you to diversify your strategy, as most of the schools you've listed are among the most difficult to get into in the world. I've included a couple of links below that I'd encourage you to read in order to deepen your understanding of the admissions landscape. If you have any questions or I can be of any future assistance, please feel free to email me at
greg@avantiprep.com or sign up for a Free Consultation here:
https://www.avantiprep.com/free-consultation.htmlhttps://gmatclub.com/forum/mba-admissio ... 39142.htmlhttps://gmatclub.com/forum/the-indian-m ... 56968.htmlBest Regards,