I have a question regarding
MGMAT Mock tests:
I so far have taken four practice tests and it seems my Quant score doesn't improve at all. I have great difficulty understanding the question stem. For quant, I got 43, 42, 42 and 37. My today's score really worries my me a lot.
My verbal score on the other hand is improving, 34, 34, 35 and 38. I know that i can do much better in Verbal, since i only been practicing with Official materials.
For quant, I managed to get 48 in my official test, but with
MGMAT it seems i am off a lot.
Do you have any specific suggestion regarding quant. I know that i understand and perhaps there is nothing that i haven't been and gone through. I've kept my actual GMAC parctice Exams to take closer to my final exam in early September. In the meantime, i've not been practicing my quant from official materials while, i have all of them, Q Pack one, 2016 official plus Q and V reviews and 2018 Official Plus Q and V reviews.
How about
GMAT Club test, i've taken three and willing to take the rest 23 cats until my exam. Will those help?
You're not giving me any good reason to worry about your quant,
Heseraj! The
MGMAT quant tests are a wonderful challenge, but the quant questions contain about twice as many words -- and probably 50% more steps -- than official questions of comparable difficulty. So if you're struggling to understand what those questions are even asking, you're not alone, and it makes sense that you'd underperform on them.
But you said the magic words:
For quant, I managed to get 48 in my official test...
So I'm not too worried about you. On those
MGMAT tests, just make sure that you're developing good habits: don't let yourself get TOO stuck on any one question, and make sure you're not making silly errors on the stuff you understand. But if you can sustain that ~48 on your GMATPreps, that's what really matters.
Everybody is different in terms of which tests they find useful, but I tend to steer people away from non-official verbal tests, just because it's so impossibly difficult for test-prep companies to make them realistic. The quant sections might not be realistic, either, but they're still good practice. It sound like you've held onto lots of good, official material for verbal, so you might not really need to do any non-official CATs for verbal.
I hope this helps, and please tag me whenever you do your debrief in September! You're clearly working your butt off, and I'm excited to see where you end up.