Some of the wild dogs that were distributed to local pet sanctuaries by city health officials and exterminated last year were collected as part of the city's initiative to protect local residents from dog attacks.
(A) Some of the wild dogs that were distributed to local pet sanctuaries by city health officials and exterminated last year were
(B) Some of the wild dogs that the local pet sanctuaries received and city health officials exterminated have been
(C) Some of the wild dogs that were distributed to local pet sanctuaries or exterminated by city health officials last year had been
(D) Last year some of the wild dogs that were distributed to local pet sanctuaries or exterminated by city health officials made
(E) Last year city health officials distributed to local pet sanctuaries as well as exterminated some of the wild dogs that had been
You may notice a problem with this sentence right off the bat: It doesn't make sense for the officials to have given the dogs to pet sanctuaries and to have exterminated them as part of the same gesture. A sanctuary doesn't kill dogs, at least not if it really deserves to be called a sanctuary, so the sentence needs to describe the two actions (distributing the dogs to shelters and killing them) as alternatives. Choices (C) and (D) make that correction by substituting the original and with the much more logical or. Try reading the remaining options into the sentence and you'll see that (D) makes no sense in context; made collected is not anyone's idea of correct grammar. (C) remains.
An 800 test taker understands that meaning is an inevitable part of grammar and an inevitable part of Sentence Correction questions. The purpose of grammar and its many rules is to facilitate communication, to make one person's meaning clear to someone else.