Hi guys,
I'm using youtube channels such as NoteFull, TOEFL Resources and EnglishSimpleTV to prepare for the speaking and writing sections of the TOEFL.
They show great ways to approach questions, easy to use templates and much more.
But, when taking what I study and trying to practice on real questions like those on Barron's or even the
OG - the question are totally different!
For example -
After watching Writing Q1 explanation videos, I tried both Barron's and
OG writing sections to practice and surprisingly enough the passage didn't look a bit similar to what you described in this video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pinuWWrbh0&t=1307s They both gave a short passage, two paragraphs long. Explanatory only - without giving any arguments. The first paragraph described something (e.g.: what is altruism, how does the American graded school system works, etc.), and the second paragraph gives an example to describe or elaborate on the first paragraph. This way the professor speaking in the lecture does not contradict arguments one by one.
Am I missing something?