The cell phone is progressing rapidly from being a simple communication device to a versatile entertainment center.
A. progressing rapidly from being a simple communication device to a versatile entertainment center
B. rapidly progressing from simple communication devices to becoming versatile entertainment centers
C. progressing rapidly from simple communication device to becoming a versatile entertainment center
D. rapidly progressing from simple communication device to versatile entertainment center
E. rapidly progressing from simple communication device to versatile entertainment centers
A good place to look for actionable decision points on Sentence Correction questions is in the first word of the answer choices and the last word. And here the last word gives you a clear-cut difference in the last words, between "center" and "centers." That word must link to the singular "cell phone" outside the underline, as the sentence is showing two different roles of that phone (from device to center). This means that you can eliminate (B) and (E), each of which incorrectly uses "centers."
Looking at the other choices, recognize that the structure of this sentence calls for parallelism between the two entities after "from" and "to," a common two-part construction. Each of (A) and (C) breaks parallelism by adding a verb to one of the two entities. In (A), the act of being a communication device is compared to the noun “versatile entertainment center”, and in (C), “simple communication device” is being compared to the act of becoming a versatile entertainment center. Neither is a viable comparison since you cannot compare actions to nouns. Only (D) maintains proper parallelism and uses the singular "center" to match "cell phone," so choice (D) is correct.