What is the probability that two of them applied for the same house and third for one of the other house?
Is there a way to do this question using only Probabilities approach?
For example, in the first question:
Probability of selecting house 1 = (1/3)*(1/3)*(1/3) = (1/27)
This is then multiplied by 3, for 3 houses.
How would it be done without using 1 - P() method.
I just want to understand different possible approaches.
Thanks for your help.
Responding to a pm:
Yes, but I would suggest you to stick to the method given by Bunuel.
There is a high probability of missing something using probability approach when number of cases is high.
Houses H1, H2, H3
People A, B, C
A and B can apply for H1 with probability (1/3)*(1/3) and C can apply for the other 2 houses with a probability of (2/3)
Probability = (1/3)*(1/3)*(2/3)
But A and B could apply for H2 or H3 as well so Probability = (1/3)*(1/3)*(2/3)*3
Also, instead of A and B, A and C or B and C could apply for the same house so Probability = (1/3)*(1/3)*(2/3)*3*3 = 2/3