Hi fredriklinder! Thanks for reaching out. So if you have not worked full time yet- then I would absolutely work the network and get some practical experience in investment banking before attending B School. Just for fun if you want to give it a shot- look at a program like Harvard 2+2 where you can apply now and then work and join the MBA program there in 2 yrs. But work first if you can- leverage your contacts from your internship. It will make it easier in the job market- trying to become an associate in IB when you were not an analyst first really puts you behind in the recruiting process for MBA IBanking. So get to work... and then look for your MBA in a few years! Best wishes to you!I am currently studying Bsc in Business & Economics, specialization Corporate Finance at Lund Univeristy in Sweden, at my third and last year. My goal is to work in the investment banking industry for some time and ultimately end up in the PE field.
However, I am very uncertain how to progress from here. I am not sure whether or not to apply for jobs and work for a few years at an M&A boutique or Bulge Bracket bank (if possible), and then apply for Master programmes in corporate finance. The alternative being that I pursue my master degree first.
Any suggestions? As I have understood it, it is quite common to work a few years before pursuing master degrees?
If you suggest applying for master before starting to work, do you have any suggestions as to where I can evaluate what kind of schools are reasonable for me?
Info about myself: GPA 4.5 (5.0), top 2 percentile, at a non-target school. Multiple student union engagements including being responsible for launching an asset management division. Have completed a 3-month investment banking internship and received a fine letter of recommendation.
Incredibly thanksful for any guidance!