Thanks for your response, I have mastered the basics of number properties, geometry, I went through the Kaplan Math Workbook,
MGMAT Foundations of Math and was able to complete everything in there without trouble. I am preparing to take my first practice test next week, so I'll have a better idea of where I am scoring (I had not used math in a while and was worried about bombing)
I have been focusing solely on solving everything through algebra,
Verbal side is fine I believe, I took the lsat before and I know CR is ok. I am getting ready to gear up for SC, but wanted to have a foundation in math before I did so.
I have been studying for a month so far, and I'm looking to take the test early Feb.
Then I'd start working on timing immediately, to get a feel for how long it takes you to solve problems.
That said, you need to also learn alternative approaches to problems - something that will help immeasurably with timing. It's been conclusively shown that if all you do is algebra, no matter how good you are at it, you can't max out your quant score because the questions will eventually get so complicated that you'll run out of time.
There's definitely an adjustment from LSAT LR/RC to GMAT CR/RC, mostly due to the format of the GMAT. On the LSAT you can take notes right on the page and you're reading off of a booklet; on the GMAT you have to take notes on your noteboard and you're reading off of a computer. You'll find there's a definite adjustment period that slows you down, so it's essential to practice on the computer as much as possible. The brain actually processes information differently in the two formats, so transitioning to the GMAT format is likely to take some time.