Hi, I have noticed that when I took my first attempt at GMAT in last Dec, I used to get around 650 when I got 15 incorrect in Maths and around thay many incorrect in verbal. Whereas, when I took a mock test from GMAT Prep yesterday, with 15 incorrect in Maths and 11 incorrect in Verbal I got only 590. Unfortunately I can not go back to GMAT prerp score to double check whether it was 590/ 690, but it seems it was only 590.
Can any one confirm that benchmark has gone really high? Compared to ealrier months, you need to get more corrects to score higher? Thanks.
Thanks for the question! I can confirm that there have been no changes to the GMAT scoring algorithm. We do update our percentile rankings charts annually, but those do not affect your GMAT score. Remember, your GMAT score is caculated based on the difficulty of the questions you answered correctly, not just the number. (A more detailed explanation can be found here: ... -the-gmat/) So it is possible for you to answer a similar number of questions correctly and receive different scores, based on the level of difficulty of questions you answered.