Guys, in my recent attempt at GMAT I scored a 720. Should I appear for a retake? I am targeting ISB and IIMs mainly. Thanks.
walterwhite756 I saw you mentioned a Q50 somewhere on the platform.
I know this might be the umpteenth time I am repeating this to applicants on this thread, but it's surprising how every day I speak with applicants who do not understand how business schools think about GMAT scores.
So here it is again-
I absolutely advise you to look at the GMAT score for the quantitative and verbal sections separately. Admissions committees evaluate your performance relative to your peers within your demographic group, typically using a bell curve approach. For those from overrepresented populations at top business schools, a Q49+ score (above the 75th percentile) may be considered borderline elite. This score signals to the admissions committee that you can handle the rigorous and analytical academic curriculum. With a Q50, you are already doing well on this criterion.
For native English speakers in top B Schools abroad, on the other hand, a high verbal score is viewed positively by admissions committees because it demonstrates a strong command of the language, which is consistent with the expectations of this population.
For non-native speakers like the Indian demographic- Your verbal score is more likely to reflect your ability to participate in discussions in a truly diverse group at schools that place a high value on discussion-based pedagogy. I honestly don't think you need a retake if your preparation is rock solid for the applications and interviews (your interview preparation is anyway going to reflect on your personality and communication skills).
I would highly recommend prioritizing the quality of your application and ensuring a great interview prep at this time. It's not unusual for both ISB and IIMs to reject applicants with exceptional GMAT scores but minimal substance in the rest of their profiles. Get candid advice tailored to your specific situation. We do not cap discussion hours with our applicants. Feel free to connect
Aanchal Sahni (INSEAD alum, former INSEAD MBA admissions interviewer)
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