Hi! I am excited to announce that the first generation of the Multi-
forum quiz is here!
It is not very pretty yet, but it is powerful and fully functional so if you don't mind a bit of a rustic feel, the multi-forum system is here! Give it a whirl!
Also, we have a special 4-month one-time purchase package if you are having an issue with your subscription or want to save $$$ - Get 4 months for the price of 3!
https://gmatclub.com/forum/quiz/subscri ... pecialSaleHow to use multi-forum quizhttps://gmatclub.com/forum/quiz.phpStep 1: Set the Options
Step 2: Choose the number of questions of PS/DS/CR/SC/RC
Step 3: Set difficulty, type, and source. If you leave any of these blank, the result will be random from the choice of all.
Founder of GMAT Club.
P.S. Special thanks to our Dev Team and
Forum Quiz PM (gmatlover1010) who have made it possible to release these features quickly.
Any questions, please post them here:
https://gmatclub.com/forum/forum-quiz-m ... 57144.htmlSuggestions? Fill out this form: