dabaobaoMentioned below are some of the pointers based on my personal experience.
1) The first thing that comes to my mind for mastering SC in verbal is hands-down
e-gmat SC course, You can opt for
e-gmat verbal course or go through below free resources mainly for SC.
https://gmatclub.com/forum/e-gmat-s-all ... 44985.html
P.S. It is not any paid advertisement from my side, the course is indeed very helpful
2) Always go for the meaning of the sentence, remember - meaning over any other rules. Do read the sentence completely till the end, many of the times there is one keyword at the end-non-underlined part that completely changes meaning of the sentence( Damn you GMAC, you ain't giving me that point so easy
). We have this habit of going for an option which looks/ sounds good but take a pause and try to infer what the intended meaning is before hitting the submit button.
3) Go through Ron Purewal's videos(must if you are aiming to score high in SC) mentioned in below link:
https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21A ... 2A63933A42
4) Try revising SC flashcards, you can prepare them on your own or just download one that is floating on the GC already, and trust me there are plenty useful ones.
Personally I found the below mentioned flashcard the best, Thank you slingfox :
https://gmatclub.com/forum/slingfox-s-g ... 96483.html
5) Follow some verbal legends here on GC, go through the ways they tackle SC questions and I guess that should be it.
If you follow the aforementioned pointers, you would be the next GMAT SC Spartan.
Happy learning!