Planets within the habitable zone, the shell-shaped region of space surrounding a star within which a planet could maintain liquid water on its surface, are much more likely than more distant planets to harbor atmospheres which contain water and, possibly, multicellular life.A. Planets within the habitable zone, the shell-shaped region of space surrounding a star within which a planet could maintain liquid water on its surface, are much more likely than more distant planets to harbor atmospheres which contain water and, possibly, multicellular life.
B. Planets within the habitable zone, the shell-shaped region of space surrounding a star within which a planet could maintain liquid water on its surface, which are much more likely than more distant planets to harbor atmospheres which contain water and, possibly, multicellular life.
C. Atmospheres that contain water and, possibly, multicellular life, on planets within the habitable zone, the shell-shaped region of space surrounding a star within which a planet could maintain liquid water on its surface, is the much more likely to be harbored rather than on more distant planets.
D. Atmospheres on planets within the habitable zone, the shell-shaped region of space surrounding a star within which a planet could maintain liquid water on its surface, rather than on more distant stars, are much more likely to harbor multicellular life when they contain water.
E. Rather than more distant planets, the atmospheres of planets within the habitable zone, the shell-shaped region of space surrounding a star within which a planet could maintain liquid water on its surface, are much more likely to contain water and, possibly, multicellular life.