Isn't their (IIM-B) 1 year program an EPGP? I'm pretty sure I read that it isn't an MBA, but a Post Grad Diploma in Management. It doesn't make a huge difference within India and the course content is pretty similar, but if you want to work in Europe, getting an MBA might be better.
EDIT - Just to say I'm not an expert and am not sure if there's any difference at all within India or internationally. However, if I wanted to work outside, I'd definitely get an MBA over a EPGP and getting placed in Europe might be easier at Said.
I'm not sure I agree with this. The MBA isn't much of a thing in Europe (at least compared to the US). So I don't think PGP vs MBA will come into play. Though Said isn't as strong a brand as the wider Oxford brand, the Oxford brand will undoubtedly trump the IIM brand though.
Also the only reason the IIM degree isn't an MBA is because of some weird rules set by the Indian govt (I think technically only universities can award MBAs and the IIMs are standalone business schools - not full fledged universities).