In this first question I fell for B before realising that the author does not really shares his opinion in the first paragraph, just states some definition that actually he does not fully support.
1. The author would most likely agree with government subsidies beyond the required minimum for which of the following companies:
A. a steel manufacturing plant that cannot remain profitable without infrastructure improvement and higher steel prices. Wrong. The author doesn't agree with subsidizing unprofitable private business, we do not have information about that.
B. a bus company that services remote towns in which many deprived people live and that cannot be profitable without subsidies. Wrong. This does not fit the reason because there is no mention of the need of the service, also the business does not need to be profitable. The author does not agree with the merit good concept always.
C. a train company that services many affluent summer communities and will stop service without appropriate subsidies. Right. Because of the need of the service to operate and the affluent demand, the author would support more the need to subsidize this business than the previous one.
D. a bio-medical company that will make an important vaccines for rare diseases but needs access to start-up money. Wrong. There was not talk about financing, we are not talking neither about no-public transportation business. Not related.
E. an airline that services the major U.S. markets but is failing to compete with its rivals, some of which operate in the Essential Air Service program. Wrong. This is not a proper reason neither, does not provide information that allows us to compare the performance in detail, also some rivals may compete without EAS flights and anyway, the author does not think that the EAS program makes sense (is against it).
2. All of the following can be properly inferred from the passage EXCEPT:
A. A majority of public transportation systems are better under privatization than they were under government control. Wrong. This can be inferred from the first sentence of the last paragraph (it is explicitly said).
B. Some public transportation systems in the U.S. can be run without subsidies. Right. This is not mentioned by the author, moreover, it states that the question is not if transportation should be subsidized or not, but how much, so does not give any room to think that any transportation system can run without subsidies.
C. Most observers agree that there should be some degree of government subsidy in public transportation. Wrong. This is exactly mentioned in the first sentence of the second paragraph, relates to the previous explanation and could be considered a right answer if there was not a clearer one.
D. Most public transportation systems were under government control in the 60’s and 70’s. Wrong. This is said at the last sentence.
E. Many Essential Air Service flights are on unprofitable routes in rural states. Wrong. In the second sentence of the third paragraph it is said that.
3. The author’s highlighted statement at the end of the passage assumes which of the following:
A. The Essential Air Service program is not drastically different than the government airline programs in the 60’s and 70’s. Wrong. This is a trap, the sentence kind of says that but not really, does not talk about government airline programs but transportation in general.
B. Government subsidy programs have not improved dramatically since the 60’s and 70’s. Right. The last sentence of the passage just compares the "wastefulness and inefficiency" of the EAS programs with the former ones so nothing has improved regarding subsidies.
C. Public transportation systems are not better today than they were in the 60’s and 70’s. Wrong. That does not realates, the sentence talks about actual flight subsidies vs previous government controlled transportation, before in the passage it talks about nicely operated bus lines, etc.
D. The Essential Air Service program is not going to change dramatically and remove some of the most inefficient routes. Wrong. This may be true but would come from the third paragraph, not the last sentence.
E. The need for the Essential Air Service program has not increased dramatically over the past few years. Wrong. There is no information about the level of need or its changes. Could have or not have, anyway does not matter to understand the last sentence.