Whenever it is rainy, Janet goes to the mall. Therefore, it must be rainy, because Janet just left for the mall.
Which of the following exhibits a parallel pattern of reasoning as the argument above?
(A) Everyone who is crazy about U2 went to the concert. Since Stacy did not go to the concert, she must not be crazy about U2.
(B) Joe's Vinyl Shop shows a profit whenever the local stadium hires extra workers. Because the stadium has recently hired extra workers, Joe's Vinyl Shop will show a profit.
(C) Cookies To Go has always endured an annual loss whenever the S&P 500 falls more than 15% in the preceding quarter. The company had an annual loss this year. Therefore, the S&P must have fallen more than 15% in the preceding quarter.
(D) Whenever they eat too much candy, little children become hyper and very hard to control. Since little Cameron is behaving very well, she must not have eaten too much candy.
(E) Every Thanksgiving, JC Penney gives away 20% discount coupons. I just got JC Penney discount coupons in the mail. Therefore, it must be Thanksgiving.