Which one should I apply to?
Profile details:
Indian, male, engineer (23 yrs), GMAT: 730.
Work ex: 2 years and 3 months in IT (functional testing). Will have 3 by next yr.
Post MBA goal: Want to move into product management (within the technology sector)
I am already applying to Oxford, but I also want to apply to one safe school in UK. I see that Imperial > Manchester > Warwick as per the FT mba rankings. But which school is better considering my profile and post-MBA goals? Also, which one has better placements for international students (% employed) and better international reputation overall?
Besides, would you recommend I look at any other schools (like Cranfield, Cass, Lancaster, Strathclyde etc.)
Please suggest.
I would be happy to help out but more information would help. What school did you go to for undergraduate and what was your GPA?
From what I see here, I recommend Cranfield or Cass, though having more experience and also more of a varied role besides testing will help your prospects.
Thanks. Well, I've done B.Tech in chemical engineering from IIT Madras (one of the top 5 engineering colleges in India), CGPA is 7.6/10.
Any particular reason why you recommend Cranfield or Cass? I was mainly considering Imperial because of the university brand name, and because last year a colleague of mine with a similar profile (1 year lesser work ex.) got into the Imperial MSc management course with just a 315 in GRE.
How would you rank these schools based on international reputation and employment for international students? I'm mainly concerned about finding a job post mba and not being sent back home.
Also, any other schools in the rest of Europe or US you would recommend?