Perfect, thank you so much.
AndrewNSo if in the same option the two sentences exchange their positions (as below), then it would NOT be correct.
Right? Since, "which" is not referred to the first parallel entity, "employs 187,000 people directly or indirectly", now.
E. The $10.7 billion ski and snowboarding industry,
employs 187,000 people directly or indirectly and
which has centers in 38 states, lost, between 2000 and 2010,
AndrewN - I just have one silly question-
How in the correct option E the second parallel entity is a clause (S+V), as there is no "subject"..?
E. The $10.7 billion ski and snowboarding industry,
which has centers in 38 states and
employs 187,000 people directly or indirectly, lost, between 2000 and 2010,
employs 187,000 people directly or indirectlyverb = employees
subject = ??
which has centers in 38 statesverb = has
subject = which
Pankaj0901. I think you are looking to turn the relative clause into one that repeats
which, as in,
which A and which B. It is perfectly acceptable to allow the parallel items to be the verbs within the clause instead,
which A and [which] B, without repeating the
which. The two parallel items, then, are
has and
employs, both verbs. Typically, you will see a repetition of the clause marker if the second parallel item follows a lengthy first item or a phrase that may modify that first item. In other words, shorter clauses lend themselves to being understood without the need to repeat the clause marker.
I hope that proves useful to you. Thank you for thinking to ask.
- Andrew