GMAT Percentiles
This is very interesting - there is now a 100th percentile. That's new since we have only had a 99th percentile. This is interesting and likely to be controversial among the math folks. I see some sources say that 99th percentile is the highest possible value and Wikipedia says that 100th percentile is possible but it approaches positive infinity However, we have multiple values with 100th percentile. is that because they are impossible???
There are 3 values with 99th percentile: 705, 715, and 725
Percentile Analysis GMAT Classic vs. GMAT FocusIt appears GMAT Focus has more condensed percentiles at this time. Things may change and WILL change over time and based on the
current percentile table released, there will be unused scores (above 725) - the only way I can explain 100th percentile. Anyone has a better explanation?
bb, although seeing GMAT Focus scores of 735 and above listed as "100th percentile" is indeed strange (it is impossible to score higher than 100% of test takers, since you can't score higher than yourself), and GMAC has never used this terminology before, I find it much more likely that GMAT Focus scores do indeed go all the way to 805—that scores of 735-805 are simply 99.5% or above, and have thus been
rounded up to the so-called 100th percentile.
In fact, the ACT college entrance exam (ACT Inc. is currently the author of all official GMAT questions) has listed perfect 36/36 scores as 100th percentile on its score reports for decades: