OFFICIAL EXPLANATIONProject SC Butler: Day 188 Sentence Correction (SC2)
• meaning? In a particular case in 1997, the Supreme Court surprised some observers when the court invalidated some parts of a law because the law violated constitutional protection of free speech enshrined in the First Amendment.
[The ruling surprised some observers because the justices voted 9-0. At least five justices were ultra or moderately conservative. Conservatives usually vote FOR decency laws. The ruling against a decency law and
for freedom of speech was unanimous.]
• structure?Use a semicolon between closely related independent clauses that are not conjoined with a coordinating conjunction.
In this sentence, it is easiest to convey the two related ideas as separate and independent clauses.
In 1997, a 9-0 ruling from the Supreme Court in Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union surprised some observers as it struck down provisions of the Communications Decency Act; the court ruled that the law violated the freedom of speech provisions of the First Amendment.
A) In 1997, a 9-0 ruling from the Supreme Court in Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union surprised some observers as it struck down provisions of the Communications Decency Act; the court ruled that the law violated the freedom of speech provisions of the First Amendment.
• I see no errors
• "as" means "because"
• the semicolon separates the separate but related ideas, avoiding ambiguous, incorrect, or misleading modification
B) In 1997, a 9-0 ruling from the Supreme Court in Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union surprised some observers as it struck down provisions of the Communications Decency Act, which ruled that the law violated the freedom of speech provisions of the First Amendment.
which usually refers to the immediately preceding noun or the main noun of an immediately preceding noun + prepositional phrase
which can sometimes modify nouns farther away, but which cannot "jump" back over a verb such as "struck"
• the provisions of the act (or the Act) did not "rule that [the Act] violated freedom of speech provisions." Wrong meaning
Eliminate B
C) In 1997, a 9-0 ruling from the Supreme Court in Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union surprised some observers as it struck down provisions of the Communications Decency Act, with a ruling that the law violated the freedom of speech provisions of the First Amendment.
• Easiest way to eliminate is to compare to (A). (The comma + with issue is very difficult and GMAC is not very predictable.)
(A) is better (clearer, no repeat of "ruling" that makes meaning weird, and "with" is a tough call).
with a ruling that is wordy and is not a proper modifying phrase (
Act, ruling that would be a proper modifying phrase)
Eliminate C
D) In 1997, a 9-0 ruling from the Supreme Court in Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union surprised some observers as it struck down provisions of the Communications Decency Act; they ruled that the law violated the freedom of speech provisions of the First Amendment.
they is plural.
The Supreme Court is singular.
At best, "they" illogically refers back to some observers and conveys the false impression that the observers made the ruling as opposed to the Supreme Court
Eliminate D
E) In 1997, a 9-0 ruling from the Supreme Court in Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union surprised some observers as it struck down provisions of the Communications Decency Act and they ruled the law violated the freedom of speech provisions of the First Amendment.
• same error as that in D
Eliminate E
The answer is ACOMMENTSGood to see a couple of people whom I haven't seen in awhile.
I am rushing because I couldn't post for a few hours, but the tech team did an awesome job and I'm back up.
These answers are very good. Kudos to all.