In the modern era, society should accept the premise that equality before the law is not appropriate to the marketplace, where modern methods of marketing, packaging, and financing have reduced the ordinary consumer to a subordinate position. To protect the consumer from the hardship and oppression that could result from this inferior position, the law should limit the freedom of action of the enterprises with which the consumer deals.
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the argument above?
a)When a consumer buys a product in a cardboard box or can, there is no way to know what there is inside.
b)The concept of equality is contradicted by the reality that the consumer is not equal in power to the supplier
c)The health and well-being of consumers are protected by a variety of statutes that have been in effect for decades.
d)Equality before the law is an essential part of the American way of life and should not be restricted.
e)Society should recognize the right of consumers not to be subjected to unfair and deceptive advertising practices.
ps. Sorry guys forgot to copy paste the question :D and btw to the guys who couldnt deduce what the question was about even after looking at the "weaken" written in the title need to seriously work on their inference skills