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Last visit was: 11 Sep 2024, 07:14 |
It is currently 11 Sep 2024, 07:14 |
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Question Stats:
55% (03:32) correct 45% (04:03) wrong based on 274 sessionsThe company has enough funds for development on a new product. | |
As the adoption of Qoop grows with the company's marketing efforts, more development resources are needed to position the product to scale. | |
It has taken more financial resources, but not necessarily more developers, to create Qoop than to create the company's other products. | |
Developers can do a better job to gain user adoption for the smartphone application than can marketers with no technical knowledge. | |
Marketing has turned 2.0; it is technical marketers who are experienced in programming that are needed to help spread the word throughout the web, not traditional marketers. |
Tuck at Dartmouth