I would re-iterate what a lot of them have said, get your ESR's!
You could also use the GMATPrep tests which you took before your exam
to understand(by carefully analyzing your tests) which your weak topics are?
Specific to Quant - Making the jump to Q48-491. Start by doing all the problems in Bunuel's signature. These questions
give you a good idea of the traps you will find in GMAT.
2. Focus on all your weak areas and go through the theory from whichever
source you have used.
It is also available on the GMATClub
Quant MegaThreadFollow that with specific topic wise problems and see if your understanding
has become better.
GMATClub Tests are really good for anybody who is stuck in the range(Q40-Q45)
Most of the problems in these tests are laced with traps and every time you make a mistake,
write down your
For example you may have forgotten to consider a negative fraction.
Write than down and check that case whenever you solve a similar question in the future.
I feel a careful analysis of the problems you miss in these tests will help you
change that score to a Q48-49 which should get you the elusive 700+ score!
Hope that helps you!